It’s the second week into IMS Group’s FIRE DOOR SAFETY MONTH and we are back with another blog rounding up the most searched for questions on the internet about the life saving wonders: FIRE DOORS!

1.Are fire doors needed in houses?
If your home has two storeys (ground floor and first floor) or more and it has a garage connected to the home by a door – THAT door must be a fire door.
However, if you live in a new build or a renovated home and you have three floors or more EVERY DOOR connecting a habitable room to the stairway must be a fire door. A habitable room is any room that a human can live in whether it’s a bedroom or not. For example – if you have a fight with the spouse one of you can sleep on the sofa in the office.

2.What kind of fire door does my garage need?
So going back to example domicile one, Any fire rated fire door can be used to join your house to your garage. Make sure you buy from a qualified supplier, make doubly sure that it’s installed by an accredited engineer and make TRIPLE sure that you don’t leave it open and you have it inspected (every six months).

3. How are fire doors rated?
The most commonly used doors are FD30, 60 and 120 each number directly relating to how long they survived agaitns a fire in a test enviroment. The rating takes into consideration the performance of each fire rated part of the door. For example the wood itself, any locks, any glass, the strips, the dampers (if applicable) and anything ‘attached to the door’.
A fire door is only as good as the eprson who installs it and the person who regualrly maintains and surveys it for any issues. Please make sure the fire doros inyour buidling are a part of a regular maintenance regime.

4. Can I paint a fire door?
Right so, you’ve got your lovely new fire doors in your home but they don’t really go with the goth aesthetic you’ve got going on. Good news, you too can ‘paint it black’ with the appropriate paint. Most fire doors are wooden so find yourself a good wooden paint and look up online how to do a good job, there are loads of videos out there. However, DON’T take the door off it’s hinges to do so or you’ll have to get another engineer to install it.
Be sure not to change the colour so often that it’s thicker than 100 coats of nail polish as this could stop the fire door from performing properly.
That’s it for this week! Be sure to follow us for more fun fire door facts with IMS Group. If you would like more information or a free quote for fire door works and maintenance be sure to get in touch 😊